- Inbyggd Vibratovarsling
- ANC - Active Noise Cancellation (feks filtrerer bort sirenelyd)
- Bluetooth opsjon for tilkobling av trådløst audiotilbehør
- AquaQuake - Vannavvisende teknologi
- IP68 (Vanntett)
- 1024 kanaler
- 128 soner
- 32 kanaler (modell uten display
- 14-pols ACC-kontakt med BTL forsterkerutang
- VOX-funktion (Voice Operated transmission)
- IDAS konventionell og Multisite konventionell
- Singelsite trunking eller multisite trunking
- Analog/Digital konvensjonell mixed funksjonalitet
- Status- och tekstmeldingrer
- DTMF-funksjoner
- Compander funksjon
- Stemmestyrt kanalangivelse
Terminalen bygger på en ny plattform med ett modernt formspråk och nya funktioner i ett smidigt format. Den IP68-klassade VHF-radion IC-F3400D har inbyggd GPS, talkryptering, rörelsesensor och aktiv brusreducering. Terminalen är förberedd för Bluetooth (via licens).
Liten, slimmad och smart
Det kompakta utseendet möjliggörs av ny innovativ teknik som bygger på SoC-plattform (System-on-a-Chip) och en slimmad knappsats. Radion väger endast 170 g (utan batteri och antenn).
Inbyggd rörelsesensor
För nödsituationer är de nya IDAS-terminalerna utrustade med en nödknapp och fem akutrelaterade funktioner till exempel ManDown, rörelsedetektor, inaktiv rörelse, ensam arbetarefunktion och avstängningsnödfunktion. Rörelsesensorn i radion är programmerbar i 10 nivåer för varje funktion.
IDAS-terminalerna kan användas som ett transparent data-modem.
ANC (aktiv brusreducering)
Nya IDAS-serien har en aktiv brusreducering som minskar bakgrundsbruset och förbättrar kvalitén på tal och anrop.
Inbyggd ljudequalizer
Med den inbyggda ljudequalizern kan du anpassa ljud-spektrat i radion för att passa olika röster och språk. Det finns också en inbyggd AGC (Audio Gain Control) som reglerar ljudet i apparaten så att ljuden på kanalen blir konstant oavsett om ingångsljudet är högt eller lågt.
Inbyggd GPS
Positionsdata kan skickas över din radiokanal eller loggas med jämna mellanrum och sparas ner till ett microSD-kort. Terminalerna kan också visa riktning och avstånd till en annan radio eller specificerad position.
Terminalerna kan anslutas till en dator via en USB-port för programmering eller för att komma åt data på det installerade microSD-kortet.
Följande funktioner finns som tillval
DES/AES-kryptering med OTAR*
För en säker och trygg kommunikation kan du aktivera den 56-bitars DES-kryptering som är inbyggd som standard i terminalerna. För extra hög säkerhet finns en 256-bitars AES-kryptering som option.
I radion finns en funktion som heter OTAP (Over-the-Air-pro-grammering). Denna funktion gör det möjligt att skicka programmeringsdata över luften till din terminal. OAA (Over-the-Air-Alias) finns också i radion och denna funktion skickar användarnamn över radiokanalen.
Bluetooth™ med PTT-stöd*
Med den inbyggda Bluetooth™-modulen kan du ansluta ett valfritt Bluetooth™-headset eller en hörselkåpa. Du kan också ansluta en telemetrienhet eller PC-terminal via Bluetooth™ för att överföra data eller filer trådlöst.
Digital röstinspelning*
De nya IDAS-terminalerna kan spela in inkom-mande och utgående kommunikation. Det in-spelade ljudet sparas i ett standardformat och ger dig möjlighet att spela upp ljudet på radion eller en dator.
*) Licens och hårdvara kan krävas beroende på version
Refinements and enhancements to design, usability and features – combined with the electrical and industrial hardware improvements – further the total reliability of the new IDAS series. This reliability ranges from the “zero adjustment”, non-variance production quality of every radio made to a new and stress-free user experience that masks the real complexity behind this multi-protocol platform. Icom’s product quality is legendary. Look smart and work smart with the new IDAS series. Using is believing.
Small, Slim and Smart
The compact body is made possible from new engineering techniques including the use of a custom SoC (System-on-a-Chip) and flat sheet keypad. The slim dimensions are also supplemented with reduced power consumption, allowing for a thinner battery pack.
High-Resolution Color LCD
The high-resolution transreflective color LCD enhances the visibility both in natural and indoor lighting. Functions and menu items are clearly labelled with easy to understand icons and characters. The night mode LCD setting is an alternative for use in night time or low lighting conditions.

Day mode 
Night mode 
Menu icons
Multiple Languages
Functions and menu items can be shown in localized languages. English, French, German, Spanish, Russian and Simplified Chinese fonts are supported. In addition, voice announcements can be recorded and changed for output in the localized language.
License Key Upgrade
The new IDAS radios can add new functions and protocols with license key options. The radios can be upgraded and customized to meet your specific needs.
NXDN™ Trunking Upgrade
The new IDAS radios are compatible with IDAS digital conventional mode and analog FM mode with auto sensing function. The radios can be upgraded to NXDN Type-C trunking or NXDN Type- D multi-site trunking mode with a license key.
DES/AES Encryption with OTAR
For digital communication security, the new IDAS radios provide basic 4-key DES encryption as standard. When used with the optional UT-134 encryption unit, 256-bit AES encryption and the OTAR (Over-the-Air Rekeying) function are available. The OTAR function allows updating of encryption keys over the radio channel.
For efficiency in radio programming, the OTAP (Over-the-Air-Programming) function allows remote change of programming data (for example adding a new repeater) over the radio channel. The OAA (Over-the-Air-Alias) function sends user name over the radio channel and eliminates needs to program the alias table. Successfully manage your fleet with ease.
Built-in Bluetooth®
The built-in Bluetooth module provides remote operation and hands-free communication paired with a third-party Bluetooth headset*. When connected with Bluetooth telemetric devices or PC terminals, data or files can be wirelessly transferred.
* Available functions depend on paired Bluetooth devices.
Digital Voice Recording
The new IDAS radios can record incoming and outgoing communications, and replay recorded communications. When a 32 GB microSD* card is used, a Max. 500 hours recording is possible. The recorded audio is saved in “wav” format and allows replay on the radio or a PC.
* MicroSD card is required separately.
Motion/Stationary Detection Sensors
For emergency situations, the new IDAS radios have an emergency button and five emergency-related functions: man down, motion detection, stationary detection, lone worker and power OFF emergency functions. The motion/stationary sensor sensitivity level is programmable in 10 levels for each function.
* Man down, motion detection and stationary detection for handheld radios only.
Transparent Data/ Text Message
The new IDAS radios can be used as a transparent data modem which transmits various data at 9600 bps over the radio channel using 12.5 kHz channel spacing. Text messages can send up to 100 characters text data message and scrolls the received message on the display.
ANC (Active Noise Canceling)
The ANC assists in providing clear comment. Some specified noise sources (such as sirens or boiler noise) can be canceled.
Audio Equalizer
The Audio equalizer allows you to tailor the audio tone to suit speech characteristics and the language in use. Five types of tone controls – flat, high boost, middle boost, low boost and low cut – are available. The audio auto gain control function controls the speech audio to a constant, regardless of the input magnitudes of the voice or distance of the microphone from the mouth.
GPS Receiver
The position data can be sent with voice call or status call and can be used with an AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) system. The GPS log functions log user position data at regular intervals and can be saved to a microSD card. The new IDAS radios can show direction and distance to another radio or specified point, and notifies you with a beep sound if the target is in the specified range.
USB Port for PC Connection
The new IDAS radios can be connected to a PC through a USB port for programming radios and accessing the installed microSD card in mass storage mode.
Voice Announcement
The new IDAS radios can notify channel number, zone and channel type with voice announcement. This function is convenient for making radio adjustments without having to look at the radio.
Vibration Alert
When a call from a specific user is received, the new IDAS handheld radios vibrate powerfully enough to be felt through heavy clothing. Vibration patterns are programmable.
Waterproof and Dustight with AquaQuake™ Function
The new IDAS handheld radios are IP68 waterproof and dusttight protection (1m depth for 1 hour). They also incorporate an AquaQuake draining function by emitting a vibrating buzz sound.
General Features
- 136–174MHz, 380–470, 450–512MHz wide frequency coverage
- 1024 memory channels programmable
- MIL-STD rugged construction
- 14-pin ACC connector with BTL amplifier output
- 32 memory channels (IC-F3400D series only)
- VOX (Voice Operated transmission) function
- Internal clock
- High-speed scanning for Voting and multi-site operation
- Tactical group function for temporary regroup user groups
- Normal, priority and voting scan
IDAS™ Features
- IDAS conventional and multi-site conventional
- Type-D single-site trunking and multi-site trunking*
- Type-C trunking*
- Analog/Digital conventional mixed mode operation
- Status • Text message
- Call alert • Radio check
- Radio Stun/Revive/Kill
- Remote monitor
* Type-C and Type-D multi-site trunking are license key upgrade options.
Analog FM Mode Features
- 2-tone, 5-tone, CTCSS and DTCS built-in
- DTMF autodial and DTMF decode
- MDC 1200 compatible
- Basic LTR™ trunking
- Audio compander
- Inversion voice scrambler
- Forced narrow function
Supplied Accessories
- Battery pack, BP-283
- Belt clip, MB-133
(May differ or not supplied according to version)
Some functions and options will be available in the future.
Frequency range |
136–174MHz |
380–470MHz 450–512MHz |
Number of channels |
1024 channels programmable*1 |
Type of emission (Varies according to version) |
16K0F3E*2, 11K0F3E, 8K50F3E, 8K30F1E/D, 4K00F1E/D |
Channel spacing (Varies according to version) |
25/15/12.5 kHz*2 (Analog) 12.5/6.25 kHz (Digital) |
Antenna impedance |
50Ω |
Power supply requirement |
7.5V DC |
Current drain (approx.) | Tx (High) |
1.5A |
1.8A |
Rx (Max./Standby) |
550mA/140mA |
Operating temperature range |
–30°C to +60°C; –22°F to +140°F |
Dimensions (W×H×D) (Projections not included) |
53.6×123.5×29.3 mm; 2.11×4.86×1.15 in (With BP-283) |
Weight (approx.) |
180g; 6.4 oz (main unit without battery pack and antenna) |
*1 IC-F3400D/F4400D (Non-LCD type): Up to 32 selected channels out of 1024 can be allocated to the channel knob.
*2 25kHz bandwidth is no longer available for FCC Part 90 licensees for USA versions.
Output power |
5W |
Frequency error |
±1.0ppm |
Spurious emissions |
75/80 dB typ. (VHF/UHF) |
FM Hum and noise (Analog) |
56dB typ. |
Audio harmonic distortion |
0.5% typ. (@AF 1kHz 40% deviation) |
FSK error (Digital) |
1% typ. |
Sensitivity | 12dB SINAD |
0.23μV typ. |
1% BER |
–4dBμV emf. typ. |
Adjacent channel selectivity | Analog |
75/72dB typ. (W/N) |
Digital |
66 dB typ. |
Spurious response |
76 dB typ. |
Intermodulation | Analog |
74 dB typ. |
Digital |
70 dB typ. |
Audio output power | Internal SP |
0.8W typ. (@5% distortion with 12Ω) |
External SP |
0.9W typ. (@5% distortion with 8Ω) |
Measurements made in accordance with TIA-603, EN300 086, EN301 166, EN300 113.
All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
Applicable U.S. Military Specifications & IP Rating
Icom makes rugged products that have been tested to and passed the following MIL-STD requirements and strict environmental standards.
Applicable U.S. Military Specifications
Standard | MIL-810 G |
Method | Proc |
Low Pressure |
500.5 |
I, II |
High Temperature |
501.5 |
I, II |
Low Temperature |
502.5 |
I, II |
Temperature Shock |
503.5 |
I |
Solar Radiation |
505.5 |
I |
Rain Blowing/Drip |
506.5 |
I, III |
Humidity |
507.5 |
– |
Salt Fog |
509.5 |
– |
Dust Blowing |
510.5 |
I |
Immersion |
512.5 |
I |
Vibration |
514.6 |
I |
Shock |
516.6 |
I, IV |
Also meets equivalent MIL-STD-810 -C, -D, -E and -F.
Applicable IP Rating
Ingress Protection Standard |
IC-F3400DT/DS/D, IC-F4400DT/DS/D |
IP68 (Dust-tight and waterproof protection) |
Some functions and options will be available in the future.